Daniel Clancy
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Five Shades of Bleu | Bygones [Part 3]

Given the continuous evolution of the situation around #ElizaBleu, I have felt the need to close this chapter off properly. I am not giving up on this - there is much to be corrected & salvaged from this really unfortunate situation & I will never give up on my principles.

I feel as though there will be much more I will want to add as things continue to evolve, & it was my original intention to release this after the documentary is released by @FaranBalanced however given the delayed release, & the increasing attack on us "normies" & our right to speak, question & hold people to account, I felt compelled to speak again.

I don't know if my perspective is helpful at all, I hope it is.
If I chose to speak more on this subject I will be active on Twitter, & I may consider a livestream at some stage - however, choosing to capitalise off this sensitive subject matter in terms of building clout & following I kinda regard personally as a little distasteful, ...

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Tucker Carlson - Episode 15:
Tweet about UK arrest:

Stateside Safari: An Americentric read on today's current affairs through the lens of a foreign layman.
Hosted by Daniel Clancy – (Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielClancy)
Follow @StatesideSafari on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@StatesideSafari

Follow my second channel for clips & stand-alone content: https://youtube.com/@StatesideSafari

Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2384132
Support me on Locals: https://danielclancy.locals.com
Donate directly to my production: http://brainstream.media/donate

Contact: [email protected]
See my projects & mission at http://brainstream.media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBSMediaGroup

#ElonMusk, #Creators, #X, #Revenue, #RevenueShare, #UK, #Police, #Woke, #upsidedown #clownworld #Twitter, #Australia, #USA

X: Mark Of The Beast? Australia Forces Cashless Society | CBDC Crypto WEF

What do you think about Musk’s plans for X & the “everything app”?
Do you trust it will be able to resist such forces as CBDCs & the WEF? Let me know below!
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Read the article by @ZeroHedge here:
More from @ZeroHedge on Twitter/X: https://x.com/zerohedge

Stateside Safari: An Americentric read on today's current affairs through the lens of a foreign layman.
Hosted by Daniel Clancy – (Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielClancy)
Follow @StatesideSafari on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@StatesideSafari

Follow my second channel for clips & stand-alone content: https://youtube.com/@StatesideSafari

Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2384132
Support me on Locals: https://danielclancy.locals.com
Donate directly to my production: http://brainstream.media/donate

Contact: [email protected]
See my projects & mission at ...

I Don't Believe You (David Grusch) - Disclosure or PSYOP? UAP CONGRESS

Just an un-scripted rant on the spur of the moment - need to vent a little about this.

Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2384132
Support me on Locals: https://danielclancy.locals.com
Donate directly to my production: http://brainstream.media/donate

Contact: [email protected]
See my projects & mission at http://brainstream.media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBSMediaGroup

For My Locals Supporters:

Due to upload limits imposed by Locals, I'm unable to upload my entire episodes here (at least for now) and livestreams will be cut after 59 minute of airtime. I am still looking in to ways I can provide content exclusive to this and the Rumble platform (for the sake of freedom with content) and also this will likely be the home of exclusive pay-walled content down the track.

For now, that's all a little too big for my boots so to keep up to date on all my latest content head over to statesidesafari.com

Should I make any announcements it will be there on that channel first (need to get that baby monetised!)



post photo preview
Five Shades of Bleu | The People vs. Twitter [Part 2]

My last video was primarily addressed directly to Eliza Bleu, however it also was intended to be seen by other supporters. The overwhelmingly kind response from not only viewers but other creators I admire such as Chrissie Mayr & of course, Faran Balanced - who is working harder than anyone alive to thoroughly investigate this & bring us the answers we deserved & waited for... desperately hoping the one person who could make it right would make it so, but chose to troll us with memes & despotic censorship instead.

I will not be making many more of these videos, as It is not a topic I wish to capitalize on, however I may do one or two more on this depending on how this unfolds. If I do continue to make videos, I will likely shift things to a lighter note.

I am eternally grateful to all of you amazing viewers & creators who showered my first ever video from the heart with so much love. That was a vulnerable moment for me & I really needed to talk to ...

Five Shades of Bleu | Dear Eliza [Part 1]

After a lot of contemplation of whether I should "dance in this space" & subsequent advice not to do so, this matter has simply become too large for me to ignore & stay quiet. This has become personal.

This is my message to Eliza Bleu.

[EDIT] I referred to a conversation with Eliza & Amanda before Chrissie Mayr's show, where I also mentioned we talked about Tim Dillon being in Australia at the time. I believe I have conflated that conversation with a different one, when Tim was actually in Australia. I know it's a pedantic thing to correct but in case anyone wants to fact check me lol I have come to learn the value of getting your timeline correct! lol.

#ElizaBleu #BrittanyVenti #TheQuartering #TwitterTOS #FiveShadesOfBleu

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